Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Monday, 1 July 2013
Memorise:We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8
Read: 2 Kings 13:20
Bible in one year: Psalm 25 – 27
Death is a sure event that is bound to happen. It strikes with no regard to the status of its victim. The earlier we realise the certainty of death, the better for us as it brings us freedom. When a believer dies, people will be hit with sorrow, including ministers of God. Is this not ironical? Are we not the ones preaching that Heaven is far better than the earth? So why are we sorrowful when one of God's beloved has gone home? Or how else will they go home? Are they going to ride a bicycle there? Oh, we want to go there by the rapture: fine, but do you know the exact date for the rapture? 2 Corinthians 5:8 says,
"We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."
Yet, we don't want to be absent from the body through death but we want to be in the physical presence of the Lord. What an irony! If you take time to study Revelation 21, you will have a good picture of Heaven - golden streets, no night, no sunlight, the temperature is supernaturally regulated, everlasting joy, etc. If you truly want to get to Heaven, you should be prepared to know more about one method of passage into it - death. 1 lost my fear of death from my mother's experience. Death separates the dead from the living and from other things they had been close to.
Unfortunately, today, many people are still living in deception - still holding to old stereotypes about death and eternity. Some, including highly educated people, still believe in reincarnation - that when they die, they will return to this world as a baby, Some believe if they commit suicide for a religious cause, that they will go to Heaven. But they will find themselves in hell. You have no right to stop the life you did not start. You are God's property and if you dare take your life, you will end up in eternal hell. You cannot kill a human being like yourself in the name of religion and think you will ever get to Heaven. Which heaven? God's judgment will take its full course, the sad news for suicide bombers is that while they terminate their lives arid go to eternal hell, those who sent and paid them on that mission would still be living, and may give their lives to Christ and end up in Heaven.
Action Point: Pray for prisoners on death row that they will have a contact with God. You can also create the time to visit the prison and preach to them.
Read: 2 Kings 13:20
Bible in one year: Psalm 25 – 27
Death is a sure event that is bound to happen. It strikes with no regard to the status of its victim. The earlier we realise the certainty of death, the better for us as it brings us freedom. When a believer dies, people will be hit with sorrow, including ministers of God. Is this not ironical? Are we not the ones preaching that Heaven is far better than the earth? So why are we sorrowful when one of God's beloved has gone home? Or how else will they go home? Are they going to ride a bicycle there? Oh, we want to go there by the rapture: fine, but do you know the exact date for the rapture? 2 Corinthians 5:8 says,
"We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."
Yet, we don't want to be absent from the body through death but we want to be in the physical presence of the Lord. What an irony! If you take time to study Revelation 21, you will have a good picture of Heaven - golden streets, no night, no sunlight, the temperature is supernaturally regulated, everlasting joy, etc. If you truly want to get to Heaven, you should be prepared to know more about one method of passage into it - death. 1 lost my fear of death from my mother's experience. Death separates the dead from the living and from other things they had been close to.
Unfortunately, today, many people are still living in deception - still holding to old stereotypes about death and eternity. Some, including highly educated people, still believe in reincarnation - that when they die, they will return to this world as a baby, Some believe if they commit suicide for a religious cause, that they will go to Heaven. But they will find themselves in hell. You have no right to stop the life you did not start. You are God's property and if you dare take your life, you will end up in eternal hell. You cannot kill a human being like yourself in the name of religion and think you will ever get to Heaven. Which heaven? God's judgment will take its full course, the sad news for suicide bombers is that while they terminate their lives arid go to eternal hell, those who sent and paid them on that mission would still be living, and may give their lives to Christ and end up in Heaven.
Action Point: Pray for prisoners on death row that they will have a contact with God. You can also create the time to visit the prison and preach to them.
Memorise: Remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice; Selah. Psalm 20:3
Read: Acts 9:36-42
Bible in one year: Isaiah 13 – 15
When the son of the rich Shunammite woman died in 2 Kings 4:18-26, she laid him on the bed that she had provided for the man of God. It was another way of telling God: 'Lord, I have some deposits in my heavenly account: it is time to make a withdrawal.' She did not request for the child in the first place; it came as interest on her investment. Do you have a deposit with God which you can draw from in times of crisis? It is wisdom to have such a deposit because at very crucial moments in the life of the depositor, your investment will speak for you. At such times, you may not be the one to speak for yourself.
Psalm 20:1 – 3 says God will remember your offering in the day of trouble. This refers to regular offerings. But do you have a solid deposit with God? Dorcas did. In Acts 9:36-42, when she died, everybody protested - Not Dorcas! When some people die, people would say may their soul rest in peace, but when some others die, people will lead a protest march to God, saying there must have been some kind of mistake. Check it; such people whose cases are protested most likely had deposits with God. As people protested Dorcas' death, they sent for Peter and began to show him reasons she cannot just go now. So the Lord was forced to ask her to return to earth to continue her good work. If you die today, how many people will miss you? To test this, travel for one month and see how many people will ask you where you have been. If on your return people just say good morning to you, then it is likely that when you die, you may go unnoticed to such people. While on board a ship in one of his trips, there was a terrible storm that put the lives of all that were onboard in danger for over two weeks. In the midst of this, an angel visited Paul and God said to him that because of his credit with God, both his life and the lives of those with him would be saved (Acts 27:13-24). Do you have credit with God?
Key Point: From today, begin to build your Heavenly credit for future benefits.
Read: Acts 9:36-42
Bible in one year: Isaiah 13 – 15
When the son of the rich Shunammite woman died in 2 Kings 4:18-26, she laid him on the bed that she had provided for the man of God. It was another way of telling God: 'Lord, I have some deposits in my heavenly account: it is time to make a withdrawal.' She did not request for the child in the first place; it came as interest on her investment. Do you have a deposit with God which you can draw from in times of crisis? It is wisdom to have such a deposit because at very crucial moments in the life of the depositor, your investment will speak for you. At such times, you may not be the one to speak for yourself.
Psalm 20:1 – 3 says God will remember your offering in the day of trouble. This refers to regular offerings. But do you have a solid deposit with God? Dorcas did. In Acts 9:36-42, when she died, everybody protested - Not Dorcas! When some people die, people would say may their soul rest in peace, but when some others die, people will lead a protest march to God, saying there must have been some kind of mistake. Check it; such people whose cases are protested most likely had deposits with God. As people protested Dorcas' death, they sent for Peter and began to show him reasons she cannot just go now. So the Lord was forced to ask her to return to earth to continue her good work. If you die today, how many people will miss you? To test this, travel for one month and see how many people will ask you where you have been. If on your return people just say good morning to you, then it is likely that when you die, you may go unnoticed to such people. While on board a ship in one of his trips, there was a terrible storm that put the lives of all that were onboard in danger for over two weeks. In the midst of this, an angel visited Paul and God said to him that because of his credit with God, both his life and the lives of those with him would be saved (Acts 27:13-24). Do you have credit with God?
Key Point: From today, begin to build your Heavenly credit for future benefits.
Memorise: In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise. Ephesians 1:13
Read: Ephesians 1:11-14
Bible in one year: Isaiah 10-12
The Holy Spirit guides you into all truth and sets you free. The greatest amnesty you can ever receive is from Him. Besides all these, John 16:13 says the Holy Spirit will show you things to come. He is a revealer of future events. There is hardly anyone who does not want to know tomorrow. Quite a number of people have ensnared themselves while seeking information about their future. Yet, they keep a distance from the One who can tell them of tomorrow. Unlike agents of darkness who can foretell by the spirit of divination, but provide destructive solutions to problems, the Holy Spirit guides His own into future events and provides appropriate solutions to problems identified. How much of the future that is revealed to you is a function of your closeness to the Holy Spirit. How close are you to the Revealer of secrets?
John 16:14 says one major role of the Holy Spirit is to see that Jesus Christ is glorified in all He does through and in His church. He is the Source of divine power according to Acts 1:8, so if you really want raw, unadulterated power, go to the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 1:13 says He is the one who seals believers in Christ. Beloved, there is a seal over your life and that is the promised Holy Spirit. When there is an unpleasant event in the life of God's children, the Holy Spirit effectively plays the role of a Comforter. While the best mortals can do is to sympathise, it is the Holy Spirit who knows exactly the level of hurt we aregoing through and who also knows the best way to provide comfort. Are you hurting presently? Is there something amiss that is causing sorrow in your heart? Look up to the Holy Spirit today and He will comfort you. Take heart beloved, it is well with you. That pain shall give way to joy. Are you weeping? Dry up your tears right now because the Lord is saying to a User of this Devotional,
"Sing O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD."
Isaiah 54:1
Youshall laugh last. It is well with you.
Action Point: Spend 30 minutes thanking the Holy Spirit for being your seal and comforter.
Read: Ephesians 1:11-14
Bible in one year: Isaiah 10-12
The Holy Spirit guides you into all truth and sets you free. The greatest amnesty you can ever receive is from Him. Besides all these, John 16:13 says the Holy Spirit will show you things to come. He is a revealer of future events. There is hardly anyone who does not want to know tomorrow. Quite a number of people have ensnared themselves while seeking information about their future. Yet, they keep a distance from the One who can tell them of tomorrow. Unlike agents of darkness who can foretell by the spirit of divination, but provide destructive solutions to problems, the Holy Spirit guides His own into future events and provides appropriate solutions to problems identified. How much of the future that is revealed to you is a function of your closeness to the Holy Spirit. How close are you to the Revealer of secrets?
John 16:14 says one major role of the Holy Spirit is to see that Jesus Christ is glorified in all He does through and in His church. He is the Source of divine power according to Acts 1:8, so if you really want raw, unadulterated power, go to the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 1:13 says He is the one who seals believers in Christ. Beloved, there is a seal over your life and that is the promised Holy Spirit. When there is an unpleasant event in the life of God's children, the Holy Spirit effectively plays the role of a Comforter. While the best mortals can do is to sympathise, it is the Holy Spirit who knows exactly the level of hurt we aregoing through and who also knows the best way to provide comfort. Are you hurting presently? Is there something amiss that is causing sorrow in your heart? Look up to the Holy Spirit today and He will comfort you. Take heart beloved, it is well with you. That pain shall give way to joy. Are you weeping? Dry up your tears right now because the Lord is saying to a User of this Devotional,
"Sing O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD."
Isaiah 54:1
Youshall laugh last. It is well with you.
Action Point: Spend 30 minutes thanking the Holy Spirit for being your seal and comforter.
Memorise: And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. Acts 16:26
Read: Acts 16:24-33
Bible in one year: Isaiah 7-9
God's personal visit to His children who are in bonds liberates their hands from whatever cuffs had them bound. Beyond the hands, the legs of the visited will also be loosed and freed to make progress; so that the enemy who had him tied down will no longer be able to catch up with him. In Acts 3:1-8, when the King of kings visited the lame man at the front of the Beautiful Gate, he did not only walk but he started to leap. Have your legs been incapacitated owing to poor health? They shall receive strength and become whole. At other times, your legs may be physically fit but they may be chained like it happened to Paul and Silas in Acts 16:24-33. After they received the beating of their lives for delivering a lady from the oppressive spirit of divination, they were taken to prison and tucked into the inner ward to prevent escape. Yet, they did not stop there; they tied them with chains and tucked and locked their feet in stocks. In other words, the enemies tried to block every possible avenue of escape. Now the jailor could safely go to sleep. As tired as they were, with their bodies bleeding from the wounds earlier inflicted on them before they were brought to the prison house, they felt they must immediately contact their Headquarters in Heaven and invite the King of Glory to personally visit them in that prison. They began to engage in high praises at midnight and that night, the Lord came on a visit. An earthquake accompanied His visit and the foundation of the prison house shifted out of place, all locked doors were flung open, the chains on all the prisoners got broken and their feet were set free from the stocks. When God decides to visit that prison where the enemies have caged you, He can orchestrate a jail break. This season, the Lord will visit that prison that is housing you, your family as well as your destiny and there shall be a divine jail break in the name of Jesus.
Key Point: When a man breaks and escapes from jail, it is a crime. But when God breaks a jail and releases its prisoners, nobody can prosecute Him.
Read: Acts 16:24-33
Bible in one year: Isaiah 7-9
God's personal visit to His children who are in bonds liberates their hands from whatever cuffs had them bound. Beyond the hands, the legs of the visited will also be loosed and freed to make progress; so that the enemy who had him tied down will no longer be able to catch up with him. In Acts 3:1-8, when the King of kings visited the lame man at the front of the Beautiful Gate, he did not only walk but he started to leap. Have your legs been incapacitated owing to poor health? They shall receive strength and become whole. At other times, your legs may be physically fit but they may be chained like it happened to Paul and Silas in Acts 16:24-33. After they received the beating of their lives for delivering a lady from the oppressive spirit of divination, they were taken to prison and tucked into the inner ward to prevent escape. Yet, they did not stop there; they tied them with chains and tucked and locked their feet in stocks. In other words, the enemies tried to block every possible avenue of escape. Now the jailor could safely go to sleep. As tired as they were, with their bodies bleeding from the wounds earlier inflicted on them before they were brought to the prison house, they felt they must immediately contact their Headquarters in Heaven and invite the King of Glory to personally visit them in that prison. They began to engage in high praises at midnight and that night, the Lord came on a visit. An earthquake accompanied His visit and the foundation of the prison house shifted out of place, all locked doors were flung open, the chains on all the prisoners got broken and their feet were set free from the stocks. When God decides to visit that prison where the enemies have caged you, He can orchestrate a jail break. This season, the Lord will visit that prison that is housing you, your family as well as your destiny and there shall be a divine jail break in the name of Jesus.
Key Point: When a man breaks and escapes from jail, it is a crime. But when God breaks a jail and releases its prisoners, nobody can prosecute Him.
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