Monday, 20 May 2013


Memorise: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Read: Isaiah 55:10-11

God's Word is full of power. When He speaks, it is done. Once God speaks, the impossible will immediately become possible because every Word of God contains enough power to actualise what the Word is meant to do. Hence Isaiah 55:10-11 says God's word cannot return empty to Him. In the name of Jesus, every good prophetic word that has been sent into your life shall not return empty to God, but fulfil its mission. Sometime ago, one of my daughters came to tell me she was three months pregnant. I congratulated her but she said she came because she wanted the baby to be a girl. I told her that from the little science I know, whether a child will be a boy or girl will be determined within 72 hours of conception. She protested saying that that was not what I earlier taught them, that I had taught them with God all things are possible. She simply requested for me to agree with her that the baby will be a girl. We prayed that prayer of agreement and six months after, the baby girl came. Just recently, the girl was given out in marriage.

The above testimony triggered another. A particular female medical doctor whose husband was also a medical doctor, was eight months pregnant with a fifth child after having had four daughters. She heard the sister's testimony and came to me. She said her husband's relatives who were desperately in need of a boy, had threatened that if the fifth baby was a girl, they would chase her out of her matrimonial home. Her request was for her eight months old baby to become a boy. I told her being a medical doctor, she should know better, but she said she had not come for science but as a result of the other sister's testimony she heard. So we agreed. A month later, the baby boy was delivered. What is that situation that appears impossible to men? It is not impossible to God. Mention that urgent need of your life that does not violate God's word and will glorify God. I join my faith with yours today and decree that the Lord shall establish it speedily and you shall testify. But if that desire in any way violates God Word or will, it shall not be honoured.

Prayer Point : Father; frustrate, disappoint and paralyse every satanic plot to make Your good Word redundant concerning me and my situation.

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