Thursday, 2 May 2013


Memorise: Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross; despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

Read: Hebrews 12:1-3
Bible in one year: Luke 22-24

We have seen that in God's army, God cannot put up with parasites, loafers and deserters. In addition to these, there is no room in God's army for slothfulness. No earthly army would want to recruit lazy folks, hence they search and screen to select those they want onboard. God does not tolerate lazy soldiers either. If there were members of the Heavenly army that deserve to idle away, it should be members of the Godhead, but they are ever working. John 5:17 says,

"But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work."
If the Lord who has been glorified and expected to be resting at the right hand of God is still working, then you have no excuse to stop working. One characteristic of a bona fide member of God's army is that even at old age they are still working - bearing fruit of the Spirit and recruiting more civilians into God's army (Psalm 92:13-14). Are you slothful, lazy, or idle? Snap out of it and become a committed soldier of the Cross!
Furthermore, God does not accommodate those with divided loyalty. Your undivided loyalty must be to the Commander-In-Chief alone according to Matthew 10:37. If you share your loyalty between your parents and the Lord, you may be disqualified. Besides, as part of God's army, you must be focused. There is no room for lack of concentration. If you are driving a truck carrying other soldiers in God's army, you cannot afford to be distracted (Luke 9:59-62). Too often, believers are distracted and their focus is replaced with someone or something else. God's soldiers must focus permanently on the Commander-in-Chief as He is the source of our victory. Even when situations, contrary winds and circumstances come our way, we must be prepared to keep the Lord as our focus no matter the cost of such an action. Are you easily distracted?

Prayer point: It is impossible to make Jesus your focus and end up somewhere else. Father; throughout my earthly sojourn, let nothing distract me from focusing on Jesus.

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