MEMORY VERSE : 1 SAMUEL 30 vs 6 : And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: butDavid encouraged himself in the Lord his God.
READ: 1 Kings 19:4-8
There is time for everything. There is a time for war and a time of peace. There is a time to be at the vanguard of the Gospel and a time to retreat in order to re-launch at a later time. As you work with the Holy Spirit and follow His leading, you will not miss out what to do at the right time.
Looking at the story of Elijah and how after two outstanding victories, he fled for his life, requesting to die, as recorded in 1 Kings 19:4-8, you will discover how he moved from hopelessness to hope. He asked for God to take his life because he had reached the peak of discouragement but instead of death, God sent him food. From this we learn that discouragement can make you pray amiss. Every negative prayer you have prayed against yourself as a result of desperation, disappointment and discouragement shall be ignored by God in Jesus name. While discouraged, some people have decided to ask God to wipe them out and even their entire family. While discouraged, the thing that gave them the greatest joy suddenly turned into something totally bereft of pleasure. Also, while discouraged, you can take some wrong decisions. At the height of discouragement, you can begin to help the devil do his work. You can get to a point where you will begin to hinder God's will in your life.
Are you discouraged? Is your present state clouding God's earlier promises to you? Are you taking or about to take some wrong step? Are you discouraged because you met with disappointment over a promise for marriage 4 or 5 times, and it was so devastating to you that you have decided to call it quits with anything called marriage? Don't! What you are going through is just a passing phase. If you hold on to God a little longer, the coast will be clear again. There is a user of this Devotional who has been disappointed by several suitors that after the last disappointment, you have decided to call it quits with marriage. You have resolved to have a baby by all means and live as a single parent for life. The Lord is saying that you should not give up. Your husband is around you. Those who disappointed you were wrong suitors. If you will hold on to the Lord and praise Him, thank Him and serve Him more, your husband will meet you in the place of service and your wedding will come.
KEY POINT: The intensity of discouragement is one way to determine what is ahead. If it is very intense, do know that there is something great ahead of you.
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