Monday, 18 March 2013


Memorise - James 4 vs 3 :Ye ask; and receive not,, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. 

Read; James 4:1-3

Bible in one year: Micah 1-3

The knowledge of the spirit operating behind the scene of a given situation will guide a believer on who to fight and how to fight. Lying spirits can go to the extent of giving different people fake dreams about their target victim, in order to discredit the fellow. And it will look so real. If several persons believe some falsehood about you, know that lying spirits are at work. Unfortunately, because many believers are not careful enough, almost anybody can be used by such spirits. Too many battles are misdirected. We are fighting against one another in the Body of Christ today because certain demons are operating behind the scene to hit heads against each other. That is partly a diversionary tactic. And this situation is bringing a lot of wastage in the area of prayer. James 4:3 says one reason we ask but fail to get results is because our requests are misdirected. If only God reveals the man hours in prayer and fasting over wrong requests, you would be very amazed. Some brother can spend three weeks praying and fasting for somebody he perceives to be an enemy to die, and he will be surprised, all he needed to do was to ask God to reveal the true situation to him and afterwards, he will know what spirit to face and how to use God's Word to face it, while knowing how to pray about the human figure involved in the situation.

If the advice of James is anything to go by, it is that we must start praying rightly. The truth is, spending five minutes praying - hitting the nail on its head will give you more results than spending 100 hours praying wrongly. According to today's reading, James felt bad that certain carnal behaviours and prayers were motivated by lusts, which as a matter of fact were instigated by the spirit of lust. Check the spirit of covetousness while desiring to have what your neighbour has! Check the spirit of lust while desiring a lady because of her physical endowments. Any request you make having these as your motivators amount to lust. God will meet your needs but He will not service your lust!

Key point: When your prayer request is motivated by your lust or a demon of lust, it will go unanswered by God.

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