Monday, 11 March 2013


MEMORISE - 1 JOHN 4 vs 1 : Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 

Read: 1 Kings 22:20-23
Bible in one year: Amos 4-6

One of the divine endowments that will assist you in playing a very active role in the spirit world is the gift of discerning of spirits. This enables you to identify the spirit in operation in a given situation. An agent of darkness once revealed after her conversion to Christ, that in the satanic kingdom, there is at least a demon assigned to every evil activity on earth. There are spirits behind nakedness that control the fashion industry with a view to exposing what should be covered, so that men's hearts can stray from God. There are spirits of lust, pride, gossiping, etc. Going by this revelation, anyone who is violating God's Word at any point is most likely under the influence of an unseen, unclean spirit.
This tallies with the Scriptures in someway. Where a lie is repeatedly told by different people, it is obvious that a lying spirit is in operation. This was the experience in 1 Kings 22:20-23 when a demon went as a lying spirit in the mouths of so many prophets; so as to deceive the king of Israel and King Jehoshaphat. It takes the gift of discerning of spirits to know which spirit is saying the truth and which one is telling lies. Without this gift, many will be deceived. Today, many are deceived. If you have this gift, you will see the spirit behind some preachers who appear on your television screen professing to proclaim the Word. 1 John4:1 says,

"Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the World."

Don't just accept everyone who claims to be of God; test the spirit operating in them. If you are able to do this using the Word of God, the fruit of the Spirit and the witness of God's Spirit inside you, in addition to the gift of discerning of spirits, you will identify the root cause of most problems and know where to channel your attack. Today, many believers are attacking fellow believers because they lack discernment. Recently, the Lord showed a small boy the wife of the General Overseer of a Gospel church standing and an evil spirit standing beside her and telling her what to do. Thereafter, she acted based on that influence on an innocent subordinate; but because he had seen the real cause, instead of fighting back, he began to fight the spirit that was manipulating her. Today, there are so many manipulations in different churches. Stop fighting your brethren! Ask for the spirit behind such operations and use the Word to engage it until you obtain victory.

Key point: If you take situations at their face value, you will most likely fight your helpers and embrace your enemies.

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