Monday, 29 April 2013


Memorise: ...and who knoweth whether thou art come to the Kingdom for such a time as this ? Esther 4:14

Read: Esther 4:10-14
Bible in one year: Luke 14-17

In Esther 2:1-4, so many young and beautiful virgins entered in for a beauty pageant and Esther emerged winner and became queen. Although initially she did not know why she was the winner, but much later, when the Jews had their very existence threatened, she worked hand in hand with Mordecai to bring about their deliverance. A non-Jewish virgin could have won the contest, but because God needed a vessel to facilitate the deliverance of His people right at the palace, He gave Esther uncommon favour before Hegai and the king, and the royal crown was set upon her head (Esther 2:8-17). This tells us that when God favours you above others to receive a particular thing, opportunity or blessing, He has a purpose. He needed a saviour for physical deliverance of the Jews so He chose Esther. God does not release His favours just for fun. If you are sensitive j enough, you will sense that God has a purpose for making you the pastor in the midst of others. You would also want to know why you were so favoured so that you do not bungle the whole process. When God releases His grace upon an individual, it is to accomplish certain tasks. You may not believe this, but some people are using their God-given grace meant for something to accomplish something else.
You were chosen not for yourself but to satisfy He who chose you. You were appointed into that office to take care of His interests. Why are you pursuing your, personal interests? God anointed some of His children to heal, save and deliver the oppressed but they are using the anointing to make merchandise of the people God sent them to deliver. You are in the parish, area, zone, province or region for a purpose. Have you cared to find out from God why He brought you to the place you are? If you ask, He will reveal it to you. And when this is done, that will become your goal in that organisation. You are in that house fellowship or department for a purpose. Queen Esther fulfilled her purpose for being made queen, have you fulfilled yours? You will not disappoint God. The Lord will open your eyes to see why He has put you where you are, and give you the grace to do His  bidding.

Key point:  Father, the purpose for taking me to my  present level, and for  blessing me so much, let me fulfil it Lord, may You never regret Your  investments in my life.


Memorise: If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. John 15:6

 Read: Genesis 39:7-12

If you want to see the power of God in your life and ministry, then work on your commitment. The commitment of some people does not go beyond lips service as their heart is saying something else. When the Lord met some of such people - Scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 15:1-9, He told them what God had said about them and the end of that kind of commitment. Verse 8 says,
'This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.'
It is possible to confess closeness to God and to eulogise God while the heart is saying a different thing. If your heart strays whenever you claim to praise or worship God, you are left with just lips praise. Praise from the lips that is not connected with the heart does not go beyond the ceiling. Jesus says everyone whose commitment to God is limited to the lips, is wasting time worshipping God. This applies also to service. Every service you do that is not from a heart of commitment is only a waste of time.
How do you identify someone who is committed to God? And in what area can one be committed to God today? The one who is committed to God will be identified by a commitment to an unbroken link with his or her Source - Jesus Christ. John 15:6 says,
"If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned?
All of Satan's temptations are summarily targeted at breaking you from the Vine. If the kingdom of darkness succeeds in doing this, you will lose all you have received from God and become vulnerable to their plans. Sister, see beyond that man who is trying to lure you into immorality: the devil's real purpose is to separate you from Christ, to make you an enemy of your strongest Ally. One person who knew this well was Joseph. When God favoured him and he became the chief of servants in Portiphar's house, Satan decided to work through his master's wife to severe him from his source. He realised this and took to his heels. He preferred to go to prison for a crime he did not commit, than to have his freedom but be cut off from his source. Joseph saw sin as a great wickedness to the One who has been so good to him. Joseph is a true example of somebody whose commitment to his source was not shaken no matter the circumstances. Are you committed to your Source? How jealously are you guarding your salvation? How do you see sin?

Action Point: Why believers toy with sin is purely because they see it different from how God sees it. Ask that you will see sin like God sees it from today.

Friday, 26 April 2013


Memorise: But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19
Read: Luke2 5-19

Hearing the Word of God is very crucial to receiving freedom. Aside hearing the Word in the church, you can effectively utilise your free periods to listen to audio Bible. When you do this often, not only will you easily memorise scriptures, but also there would be no space for evil thoughts to hibernate in your heart. If you do not have the Bible in audio format, you can read the Bible audibly to yourself regularly. Each Word that comes into your spirit man gives you life from above. How often do you hear the Word?

In addition to hearing, you must mediate on the Word you have heard until you understand it. When the Word comes, it comes with divine light, ready to give understanding to those who think upon it (Psalm 119:130). If all you do is hear or read the Word, you will just be scratching the surface of God's treasures. As mineral resources are usually below the surface of the earth, so also are the depth of the riches and treasures of the Kingdom inaccessible from mere hearing or reading the Word. Why do you think Psalm 1:1-3 says the one who meditates on the Word is blessed? It is because of the limitless treasures that the fellow will have access to. If you go through scriptures, you will find that not too many blessings are offered or pronounced on those who hear or merely read the Word. It is what you want to get from the Word of God that will determine whether you will just hear, read or mediate on it. If you want to be connected to an unending source of power, or you want to produce fruit in your season, if you do not want to experience dryness but desire whatever you lay your hand upon to turn to gold, then you need to meditate on God's Word (Psalm 1:1 -3). If you want to have success at its best - excellence, then you cannot ignore meditating on God's Word both day and night Joshua 1:8). When you meditate, you ponder on God's Word. One thing that Mary the mother of Jesus knew how to do was to ponder on God's Word and on things concerning Jesus (Luke 2:19,51). No wonder she got the revelation that there is power in the words of Jesus. With this revelation, she preempted Jesus and told the ushers at the marriage in Cana of Galilee to obey whatever Jesus tells them, no matter how stupid it sounds, hence water became wine (John 2:1 -11). Do you make time to think on the word, God's actions and promises? If you can do this day and night, prepare for great things from God.

Action point: Pray for war-ravaged nations that the peace of God will be experienced by them and that the Gospel will thrive there.


Memorise: And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God. Luke 9:62
Read: Luke 9:57-62
Bible  in one year: Leviticus 24-27

Apart from parasites and loafers, the Commander-in-chief of the Heavenly army does not like deserters. Once you sign into God's army, there is no looking back. This is why in the armour available for soldiers listed in Ephesians 6:13-17, there is no armour for our backs. This means, the day you turn your back to the enemy, you are finished. It is against the rule of our warfare; for enemies are not supposed to see your back. This also implies there is no room to chicken out. Considering the size, military might and invincible weaponry available to you as a bonafide member of God's army, and God's track record of victories, you have no excuse to throw in the towel. Hence, Luke 9:62 says,
"And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of Cod."
This means, if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord, stay with Him and don't go back to the devil or your past self government. This also extends to your service. That is, whatever God has assigned you to do, never stop except He says so. Once in a while, God can move you from one assignment to another, or add to what you are presently doing. However, never move yourself away from an assignment God has given to you.
It is surprising to know how many people leave their primary assignment for a self-assigned task. These too are deserters. Increasingly, money is becoming a major factor in determining what is done, where it is done and how it is done. Although money is important for propagating the Gospel, it should however not take the place of the Holy Spirit. Some people when told to go and evangelise would reply: 'I don't have money.' What amount do you need to evangelise to your next door neighbour? There are some churches and ministries who being motivated by gain, decide to relocate or plant parishes only in high brow areas so as to attract the rich. Remember that Jesus Christ died for the poor also. If your ministry excludes ministering to the poor and needy, you are a deserter of some sort, and led by something else other than the Holy Spirit. Have you abandoned any assignment God earlier committed into your hands, repent today. God is prepared to back you in the task He has given you, and not in the one you have taken upon yourself.
Key point: If God has assigned you to a task, that is what He will reward you for. Do it faithfully whether it is easy or difficult.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Surrender Your Mind!

Beloved of God, when you are a Christian, it means that you are alive to God. By that, I mean your spirit is alive to God. Your spirit is now one with God. "But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him." 1 Corinthians 6:17. You are now in the household of God.  It is vital to note that it is the spirit of the man that is recreated not his mind. For man is a spirit, he has a soul (where his mind, emotions and thoughts reside) and he lives in a body. The real man is the spirit. So when we got saved, it was our spirit that was recreated, not our minds. This mind needs to be submitted to God, by renewing it with the Word of God. "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12 vs 2.
God wants us to surrender our minds to Him by speaking and meditating on His words always so we can have a good life here in this world. "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." Joshua 1:8.  This is what will guarantee us having a good life, void of worry, sin, poverty, sorrow, sadness etc. Let's surrender our minds to God by keeping our hearts continually on His Word. Isaiah 26:3 says, "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! God bless you!


Memorise: I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high. Psalm 7:17

Read: Psalm 71:16-17
Bible  in one year: Leviticus 20-23

If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour, you are His virgin. A virgin is pure and undefiled. But being a virgin is not enough. In Esther 2:2, when virgins were to be brought to take part in the beauty contest at Shushan the palace, they were expected to be beautiful. The Holy Spirit must be allowed to beautify your life with His fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). Without this, you will be disqualified even as a virgin. Is your life beautiful? Does it reflect the love of God embedded in the fruit with nine parts?

Besides beauty, another quality that must be met has to do with age. The virgins must be young (Esther 2:2). This means every virgin beyond a certain age was disqualified. True, they are virgins. True they are pure and have not been defiled. Yet, if they failed to meet up with the age requirement, they will not be called to the contest. This teaches us that age has a lot to do with our calling. In a number of recruiting organizations today, besides stipulating the academic qualification, the age requirement is clearly spelt out. Usually, they require young graduates preferably less than 25 years. As a result, you have those who satisfy the academic requirement but are over the age bracket disqualified. This has made some to lie concerning their age. From this we learn that Kingdom assignments must be done at the time stipulated by God. You do not do God's work at your time but at His time. His task has a time requirement attached. So it is not enough to be doing a particular thing for God; the issue is: are you doing it at God's appointed time? Another lesson here is that there are certain Kingdom assignments that must be done in your youth: If you don't do them then, you would have missed out of God's purpose concerning such tasks. There are certain things that are best done for God in your youth. As a youth, you have lots of energy which reduces as you grow older. God wants you to utilise your youthful strength for His glory. Also as a youth, you are very adventurous. God wants you to go on an adventure in the things of the Spirit. Are you a Christian youth? How are you engaged in pleasing God with all that God has invested in you? God is looking for teens and youths through whom He will manifest His glory. Do you qualify? Make yourself relevant today by putting your time at His disposal.

Prayer point: Ecclesiastes 12:1 says you should remember God now. But if you do so later; He can still use you but you would have cut off a chunk of opportunities that may never be regained.


Memorise - Psalm 126:1 - When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.

Read: Genesis 41:39-44
Bible in one year: Leviticus 17-19

Another lesson from the story of Esther is how suddenly God can transform an individual. Not long ago, Esther was a young girl but a nobody, then suddenly she won the beauty pageant and emerged queen. After Esther's promotion, the one who was used to receiving instruction became the one issuing out instructions (Esther 4:15-17). God is the true source of promotion and He can promote you slowly quickly or even dramatically. If you receive Jesus into your heart and accept Him as your Lord and Saviour, He will suddenly promote you to sit with Him in the heavenly places, and you will begin to rule over the powers of darkness that once dominated you (Ephesians 1:17-23). This promotion is sudden! Also, a little shepherd boy who was very unimportant in his own family, was promoted overnight to become king: this was how David became one of the most famous kings of Israel (1 Samuel 16:11 -13). God can move you from a point of being unknown in your small family to a height of national importance. Are you unknown in your family, church, or comm unity? Then you are the one God is seeking to promote. He will promote you suddenly beyond your expectations this season.
In Genesis 41:39-44, we also see how Joseph who was lied against, thrown into prison and forgotten by men, was remembered by God and overnight he was made next in command to Pharaoh. He became the most useful and influential figure in Egypt and beyond. His change came suddenly. Have you been persecuted and forgotten by men? Have people caged you within the prison of their minds? Are you asking when your turn to break through shall come? This season, the Lord will remember you. He will open the prison doors keeping you caged and bring you out. The Lord will lift you up suddenly. Your rise shall be sudden and nothing will stop it in Jesus name. There is a user of this Devotional who has done a lot for God's Kingdom and made sacrifices for the Lord, yet it appears you have been forgotten for long. Rejoice, your time of divine remembrance has come. The Lord will promote you suddenly and give you the harvests of seeds sown over the years. You are a candidate for sudden promotion this season. Worship, praise and thank God for His power to lift you up suddenly.

Prayer point: Father, You changed the levels of Esther; David and Joseph suddenly; Lord, make this season my season of sudden promotion.


Memorise - 2 Timothy 3:5 : Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Read: 1 Timothy 1:11-14
Bible in one year: Leviticus 14-16

"And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Acts 16:31
The call to salvation is far more than just being saved from sin; it is also a call to commitment. If you recall the day you gave your life to Christ, you would recall that you meant to give Him everything. Based on that commitment if He truly has your life, then He owns your all. Unfortunately, most believers in Christ are guilty of breaking their promise to the Lord. How? They claim to have given their lives to Christ yet they are still in control of their lives. The Lord struggles with no one, He allows you to freely give or hold back from Him anything in your possession. Many have gone back on their word in the area of commitment. Such people can end up in hell for failing to keep their promise to Him. Have you given Christ your life but you are still the one dictating how your life is run? Repent today and return what you have taken from your altar of sacrifice.
What is commitment? It can be defined as a pledge or promise to do something. It is also an undertaking, a state of being dedicated or devoted to something. Commitment is becoming very rare in Christendom. One of the signs of the last days is an absence of commitment according to 2 Timothy 3:1 -5. Verse 5 says,
"Having a form of godliness; but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
The best a non-committed Christian can have is a form of godliness - something that looks like the fear of God but is a counterfeit. In other words, when you started with Christ, you had something original but when you began to compromise in commitment, your original faith began to give way to something fake. If you are low in commitment, you will be unable to access the power of God. Are you wondering why you don't see the evidence of the anointing in your life? Check your level of commitment to God. Commitment and the anointing go hand in hand. Similarly, lack of commitment and self government go side by side. If you are very low in commitment to Jesus, it is because you are highly committed to yourself. You are in charge, not the Lord. How committed are you to the Lord?

Action point: Examine the areas you have gone back on commitment to Christ: Ask for forgiveness and make fresh commitment today.


Memorise: The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous: Psalm 146:8

Read: 2 Kings 5:20-27
Bible in one year: Leviticus 11-14

The revelational gifts make you spiritually sensitive. When present, they will make you to hear the inaudible and to see the invisible. It is a great thing to be able to see the invisible. In 2 Kings 5:20-27, Elisha sat in his room and suddenly, he saw Gehazi his servant running after Naaman. It was as if he was watching a TV. He saw the boy receiving a lot of money and planning in his heart on how he will start his own ministry and have many servants. When he returned, Elisha asked Gehazi of these things and he denied, but he told him that he saw all that transpired. When you can see into the spirit realm, very little can be hid from you. This gift can also help to reveal what transpired ever before you were born or became relevant in a particular place.
Many years ago, while I was just a worker in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, we were getting prepared for the evening service when I felt pressed to go to the lavatory. While in the toilet, I looked and on the wall in front of me was something like a scroll, showing like a television screen. In it, I saw the church headquarters and the service was on. I saw two empty seats where the pastors were seated. Immediately the singing ended, a minister came to ask everybody to start praying and as this was on, the pastor and his interpreter came out to the altar. When I got to Ebute Metta that evening, I told my father in the Lord - Reverend Akindayomi and he put his hands on his head. He called the pastors around to come and asked me to repeat what I just told him. I did and their reaction was similar. Then papa explained that a long time ago, before the preacher and his interpreter took the sermon, they would be in the vestry praying, but that they had stopped doing so, and it showed from this revelation that God wanted us to go back to that order. So God can reveal just about anything to you and correct any practice He wants corrected. He can show you places He will take you to later in future. When you eventually get to such a place, one way you will know is that, even when you are physically stepping there for the first time, it will look very familiar. You will feel like you had been there before. How often does God reveal things to you? Ask Him to remove every hindrance to divine revelation from your life.

Prayer point: Father, open my eyes to see the invisible and my ears to hear the inaudible from today.


Memorise: God forbid, How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Romans 6:2

Read: Romans 6:1-5
Bible in one year: Leviticus 8-10

Just as certain things are peculiar to champions, exchampions also have what is common to them. You will not be an ex-champion, but if you are one, the Lord will restore you to a place of relevance in Jesus name. When we look at the prayer of Samson, an ex-champion, we can learn something from it. The first thing he said was, Remember me Oh Lord! Why was he asking to be remembered? It is because people don't easily remember ex-champions. It is the champion's crown that is revered by many not the one wearing the crown. So if the crown goes, so goes everything the crown attracted. Samson also said, strengthen me. Strength is an invisible force. If you ask any boxer, he will tell you not to judge a man by his size. Why? Until you are left alone with your opponent, you may never realise how strong he is. There are people who are big but without strength, just as there are slim but powerful people. Isaiah 40:28-30 says God gives power to the faint. Philippians 4:13 says you are enabled to do all things by the strength that Jesus supplies. In 1 Kings 18:46, God laid His hand on Elijah and he outran a chariot. This season, the Lord will lay His hand on you and enable you to do the impossible.
Another thing Samson said was, Strengthen me just this once. We believers ought to learn something from this. He did not ask for restoration several times but just once. Have you been falling and rising? Do note that when Samson fell, he asked for restoration just once. Also, the prodigal son that is so often used to build a mould for backsliders, left home just once according to Luke 15:11-24. On his way back, his father ran to receive him, but he never left home again. Some of us teach that God will always receive the backsliders: but that excludes when you are now taking His grace and love for granted. If you have been a divine champion and you fell, the devil will not want you to rise again. On the other hand, God wants you to reconcile with Him after the fall, but He does not expect you to go on a regular dive into sin expecting Him to forgive. Hence, Romans 6:1 says,
"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?"
And the answer followed: God forbid! The mould that some modern believers are following is the one forbidden by God. If you fell and asked for forgiveness, stay on in Christ. Stop taking grace for granted!

Action point: Prayerfully follow up 5 backsliders and lead them back to Christ. Pray that they will not take God's grace for granted.


Memorise: My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Proverbs 4:20

Read: Proverbs 4:20-22
Bible in one year: Leviticus 5-7

To receive your needed miracles, you must hear the Word. Why? Because God's word goes ahead of God's acts. When God was to deliver, heal and restore those who sinned and were afflicted in Psalm 107:17-20, He sent His word. You must check up with the messenger of the word to ascertain whether he or she is sent by God or not. You must also ensure that the word delivered is the same as that which was sent. In the communication process, you have the Encoder which sends a message through a channel and a Decoder which receives the encoded message and deciphers it to get its meaning. It is when a message has gone through this process without any distortion or noise that the expected feedback can be obtained and the communication process deemed to be complete. However, at every stage of the communication chain, noise can be introduced.
When for instance a prophetic word or word of knowledge is released through a genuine servant of God, if the public address system is faulty, noise is introduced and as a result, the message will not be received by the one the divine communication was meant for. If the sound system is distorted or accompanied with unwanted sound, no meaning will be received from the message passed. This is one reason why in all our churches; there is the need to provide quality speakers, microphones and audio machines. Besides this, there are situations where the audio system is perfect and the word goes forth but the targeted recipient is discussing with someone else, or is even sleeping; how will the fellow benefit from the blessing? It is amazing to know that many children of God do not reverence God's word. If you truly regard God as your Father, you will not be talking while He is speaking through His servant. When the word of God is being preached in church, there should be absolute silence, except where you are expected to respond to it. Also, you should give it maximum attention. Your body may want you to sleep but this you must resist so that the word of your deliverance will not elude you. Those who miss the word of their deliverance may remain longer in their bondage. Why prolong your day of freedom by yielding to your flesh? If you are feeling sleepy while he word is being delivered, stand up. Pinch yourself. Go and wash your face with water. You can also stroll around until your eyes are cleared. Deal with every noise to your breakthrough!

Action point: Satan tries to introduce noise at every stage in the spiritual communications process. It is however left for you not to be distracted by it.


Memorise: And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Luke 3:9

Read: John 15:1-2
Bible in one year: Leviticus 1-4

Anyone who wants to be a soldier must be prepared to go through the worst of terrains, and must be prepared to endure all kinds of difficulties that may come his way such as hunger, exposure to extreme weather, hostilities, separation from comforts, family and loved ones, and even be prepared to die on the battle field. Usually, while courting potential recruits, the difficult parts will be withheld and the fellow will be fed with the good sides - cheap or free food, clothing, travel at government expense and respect if not fear from civilians. By the time the recruit signs on, and gets to the barracks, he would be taken through rigorous training. Some may not be able to endure the training so they will leave the army. Similarly, in the army of God, you must be ready to go through serious difficulties and self denials and to face the enemies on a head-on collision course.
"Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." 2    Timothy    2:3
God's army is an extremely disciplined one with defined order, structure and government, every recruit must be aware of this. The first thing to note here is that the Commander-in-chief of the heavenly army is highly intolerant of parasites. Parasites are those who want to enjoy the benefits of the Kingdom without contributing their quota. They like the rights and privileges but fail to be committed to the obligations. According to John 15:1-2, such parasites will be forcefully taken out. Similarly, there is no place for loafers - those who claim to be part of the army but are not ready to make commitment to the Commander- in-chief. Are you a child of God but you are doing nothing for the advancement of the kingdom? You are a loafer. A loafer gives more of his or her time to move about and engage in activities that are unimportant and unprofitable. According to Luke 3:9, loafers shall be cut down and end up in hell. That shall not be your portion in Jesus name. Are you a parasite or loafer? If you go from one Gospel church to another in the name of receiving prayers, but when it comes to being committed for the church building project or meeting a need in church, you move to another church, you are a parasite! God does not tolerate parasites in His army.

Action point: Pray that God will change every loafer or parasite in your local assembly into dedicated soldiers of Christ.


Memorise: But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 1 Peter 3:4

Read: 1 Peter 3:1-4
Bible in one Year: 2 Chronicles 10-13

Those called to take part in the beauty contest at Shushan the palace during the reign of Ahasuerus were more than just virgins. They were also fair and young.
"Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him, Let there be fair young virgins sought for the king." Esther 2:2
In other words, virgins who were not beautiful were naturally exempted from the pageant. This is about what makes them outstanding among virgins, what makes them attractive. It is common for employers in need of fresh university graduates to request graduates with a second class upper grade, yet they will do everything it takes to grab the very few first class graduates. Those with a second class lower grade will be less appealing to them, while those with third class may hardly be considered. This means, by their grades they are sought or ignored. Their grades either make them attractive or repulsive. What is in your life that is making you attractive? It is not enough to be a virgin. You must be a beautiful virgin. Many sisters spend a lot to be physically attractive but barely do anything about making themselves beautiful inwardly. In the Christian faith, the inner beauty is more important.
"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of Cod of great price." 1 Peter 3:4
Naturally, people are attracted to someone who is beautiful or pretty. There is a natural pull from the beautiful fellow to the beholder. It is not only women that need this inner beauty but every virgin in Christ. When your spirit man is decorated with priceless treasures as meekness and quietness, your life will suddenly begin to pull people towards you, even when you lack physical beauty. If a lady is physically beautiful but internally ugly, she will repel good men who are coming towards her by her internal state. Even when physical beauty attracts the right men, it takes the internal beauty to sustain that relationship. It is the fruit of the Spirit that beautifies virgins. This is why you must give every attention to prayerfully and practically cultivate the fruit of the Spirit without which, you will be disqualified from heaven's contests.

Prayer point: Father, thank You for saving me. Lord, let Your beauty radiate in and through me that it may attract everyone I should attract into Your Kingdom.


Memorise - Isaiah 45:19 : I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain: I the LORD speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.

Read: Isaiah 45:17-19
Bible in one year: 2 Chronicles 7-9

 God is so generous that He does not mind sharing His kingdom with His favourites. May you be part of those that will co-reign with Jesus eternally. Concerning God's magnanimity, if you check through the Bible, you will see how generous God is. Abraham served God and he was blessed. He was a wealthy man (Genesis 24:34-35). When it was the turn of his son Isaac, God so blessed him that he became the envy of a nation (Genesis 26:12-14). Jacob also was tremendously blessed by God to the extent of having extreme wealth (Genesis 30:43). Three successive generations kept increasing in blessings as they continued to serve God. Do you know that if you obey the scriptures to raise your children in God's ways and they do the same with their own children, God's blessings in your generations will be on an increasing level?

Apart from the family of Abraham, another Bible character that benefited from God's generosity was David. Besides blessing David spiritually and making him a king, God blessed him with great wealth according to 1 Chronicles 22:7,14-16. When it was time to build for God, even when God said David will not build for him, his personal donation for building God's house was estimated at $4 billion. A fellow who can give such an amount cannot be a poor man by any standard. But after him came Solomon his son. Boy was he blessed! 2 Chronicles 1:14-15 says his wealth was so much that gold and silver were like ordinary stones during his reign. In other words, the choicest things were common place with him (Ecclesiastes 2:3-10). A time came that he got virtually everything his eyes wanted (Ecclesiastes 2:10). Not too many people among the world's richest can say that about themselves. According to Isaiah 45:19, God has not called you to seek Him in vain. If you are God's chosen and you preserve yourself in holiness, obedience, sacrificial giving and service to God, know that you will share from God's generosity. And if you can raise generations to follow God and even beat your record of service, God's blessings will be on an increasing proportion upon your generations. Are you serving God? Continue and refuse to stop. Soon in your very life, it shall be evident that God is extremely generous. This season, God will make you a candidate of His extreme generosity.

Prayer point: Father, I believe You are extremely generous. Please let people begin to see the evidence of Your extreme generosity in my life and family.

Monday, 15 April 2013


Memorise: Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Matthew 5:14

Read: Matthew 5:14-16
Bible in one year: 2 Chronicles 4-6

The human body is weak and fragile yet there are some of its parts that are even more delicate. There are at least seven of such delicate body parts namely the heart, liver, kidney, lung, tongue, eardrum and the eyes. Of these seven, some of them are more protected than others. The eardrum is slightly tucked in. The lungs are barricaded by strong, bony rib cage. The heart, liver and kidneys are slightly concealed. One part that is least protected is the eyes, hence they are very vulnerable. If you consider the eyelids as some form of protection, remember they are very limited in what they can do, since they cannot resist any sharp object that tries to prick the eyes. So of all these sensitive body parts, the eyes need extra protection.
In Psalm 17:8, David the popular psalmist prayed, "Keep me as the apple of thy eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings,"
This is a very important prayer. For God to keep you as the apple of his eyes means that you want to become His favourite so that He can jealously watch over you. At this point, let us look at the role of the eyes to the body. First, we see with our eyes and in the same way, God wants to see the world through us. Speaking of this, Jesus said,
"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." Matthew 5:14
The whole world lies in darkness but for the presence of believers. If you have received Jesus Christ the light of the world into your heart, you automatically become a light of the world. So when God looks at the dark world, He will be able to see the world by the number of tiny lights dotting it. In Genesis 18:20-32, God told Abraham that if He could see 10 tiny dots of lights, He would spare Sodom and Gomorrah. This implies that, if we could have enough dots of lights in Nigeria or any nation of the earth, and they are shinning as they are supposed to shine, God will spare our nations, and things would be very different from what they have been. Are you shining as the light you were created to be? Or has darkness absorbed your glow? Get back on your feet and rededicate yourself to Christ today! Live right before God, please Him in all things and spread the Good news of Jesus, and you will shine like the brightness of the firmament.
Action point: Pray that in places where cannibalism is still rife, God will expose and bring an end to such devilish practice.


Memorise: And Elijah said unto Ahab Get thee up, eat and drink: for there is a sound of abundance of rain. 1 Kings 18:41

Read: 1Kings 18:41-46
Bible in one year: 2Chronicles 1-3

The gift of prophesy entails being told or shown future events by God. What are the implications of such revelation gifts? It is to enable you see the invisible and to hear the inaudible. Believe it or not, when we gather in God's presence, there are big, angelic beings in our midst and around us. One reason God may not want to show them to us is so that we do not become frightened or distracted. Because angels are usually of great size, if your eyes are open to see them, the first thing they will say to you is, Fear not. This season, the Lord will open your eyes to see angels and they will minister effectively to you.
All around us, we are surrounded and bombarded with messages in the air waves from local, national and international radio and television stations as well as the internet. If you look at the sky, you will see nothing because these broadcasts are invisible, but if you have the appropriate equipment, and begin to tune to the different stations, you will be amazed at the number of information that is passing through the airwaves that the fellow who lacks such equipment may be completely oblivious of. In the same way, there is so much information being transmitted from the heavenly 'radio and television stations'. God is constantly speaking: He can be saying so much yet you may be unable to hear a single word because you lack the right equipment. It takes possessing one or more of the revelational gifts to enable you hear the inaudible and see the invisible. In 1 Kings 18:41, Elijah told Ahab to go and eat and stop worrying because he has heard the sound of the abundance of rain. Nobody else could hear that sound because they did not have the gift. The truth is, when a major earth-shaking event is about to take place, the heavens will be pregnant with this information. If you can key into the spirit, you can spiritually sense what is coming. Do you know you can sense your turnaround? You can sense your breakthrough with the help of these gifts. Ask God for the revelational gifts today.
Prayer point: Father, make me sensitive to heaven's communications. Henceforth, let events no longer take me by surprise.


Memorise: When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom. Proverbs 11:2

Read: Proverbs 11:1-3
Bible in one year: Romans 12-16

Another pain of ex-champions is loneliness. While maintaining their lead position, wherever they go, virtually everyone would like to touch them, shake their hands, take photographs with them and get their autographs. But when they become ex-champions, people would see them and face the opposite direction. One of my daughters was occupying a hot seat in an organization. She was the toast of the high and mighty and that of her colleagues. She got their attention and received gifts from many because they depended on her for certain favours. You can imagine what happened when she was moved from that seat; all the attention, care, pleasantness and gifts immediately shifted to the next person occupying that position. She could not believe the speed with which those courting her favours took their flight. It was then she realised that people did not really regard her but the seat she occupied, and they did not really care about her, but about what they were to derive from her. She realised how vain people were.

Have you ever wondered why rulers particularly in Africa never want to leave office? Many African presidents and governors never want to leave their offices because when you are a champion, people can stop vehicles from plying a particular road just to honour you. Loneliness can kill. When Samson lost his seat, he was alone in prison, grinding corn. What of poverty? While a champion, people will readily use your name or picture to sell any commodity, but the moment you are no more a champion, nobody will buy such items with your name on it. There was this brother named Sam. He was a divine champion. He could not speak English but one day, he was invited to preach in a teacher training college. As he opened his mouth, he began speaking fluent English for an hour and thereafter, many answered the altar call. He was full of the Holy Spirit and raised three dead people to life. His mother was in a cult and she reported him because he burnt her charms. On one fateful night, she did not sleep in the house while her cult members sent a dog to kill him. It entered while he was praying with the doors locked, and he shouted the name of Jesus and lightning struck it dead. By the following morning, when his mother returned to the house expecting to meet her dead son, she found him roasting the dog. Yet, after all his exploits, pride entered him and he later ended up in an asylum. Pride can erode all your strength and gains and turn you into an ex-champion like the devil. Never let it come into you! In Christ, you can remain ever relevant.
Prayer point: Father, every element of pride that will reduce me to an ex-champion, please take it away from me today.


Memorise: Romans 10:14 - How then shalt they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without  a preacher?

Read: Romans 10:13-15
Bible in one year: Romans 9-11

From John 8:31-32 we understand that: revelation received from God's Word brings about freedom. It is the truth of God's Word that sets free. You must be ready to continue in His Word. How do you continue in His word? First by constantly hearing the Word of God. Romans 10:14 says,
"How then shalt they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
In the above scripture, we see a link among certain variables - the preacher, the message, hearing, believing and salvation; these are all interconnected. What you hear is a function of who is preaching or teaching the Word. Romans 10:15 says for you to hear the good news that will deliver your desired freedom, the preacher must be sent. Are you a man or woman of God? Congratulations! But were you sent? If yes, who sent you? Is it God, Satan, self or circumstances? The message that a preacher preaches is determined to a large extent by the one sending him or her. If you receive a message from the one who is sent by Satan, self or circumstances, what you hear will not deliver freedom to you. That does not mean that they will not preach the Word of God. They will, but when the Word of God is coming through such preachers, they will be the originators of the message and not God.
A true servant of God is a voice of the Lord - one through whom a divine message originating from God is delivered. When God has not sent you, you do not really have a message. In fact, God places a curse on those who say God said what He did not say (Ezekiel 13:1-3; Jeremiah 23:31-32). If you come under teachers having itching ears, you will be misled by what you hear. When the Word of God is preached by those who are not sent by God, the Spirit of the Word is removed, leaving the letters that cannot deliver life to the hearers. But when the Word of God is coming through a man who is sent by God, it comes with the Spirit and power of the Word, and assumes its original form as when God said it, which is why it accomplishes its purpose. Receiving prophecies from those not sent by God will bring you into greater bondage rather than set you free. Mind where you hear the Word of God! The source can distort the message.
Prayer point: Father, as Your servant, let Your Word come alive through me to those you are sending me to.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Memorise: For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth. 2 Corinthians 13:8

Read: Ephesians 6:13-18
Bible in one year: Romans 5-8

Resisting the devil is a battle order to carry out a dangerous assignment because of the kind of enemy we are facing, but we thank our God who has won us the victory and equipped us with the right battle gear to carry out this assignment. Ephesians 6:12 says,
'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Your fight is not a carnal, visible fight but a spiritual one. You are not fighting fellow human beings, but you are at war with the negative powers using these human beings against you. By the time you obey the Lord's command by going out, and casting out demons, you should expect the devil to fight back. Some people are afraid of such attacks so they mind their business expecting the devil to leave them alone. Unfortunately, whether you plunder the kingdom of darkness - by leading souls to Christ, healing the sick, and delivering the oppressed or not, they will still attack you. If you know this, is it not better to be on the attacking side?

To remain victorious in the battle against the kingdom of darkness, you must never joke with your battle gear. They are listed in Ephesians 6:13-18. First of all, you must be saved before you can be enlisted into this army, thereafter, you must ensure your helmet of salvation is always worn to protect your head. Satan will do everything in his power to make you lose your helmet. Another part of your dressing is the belt of truth. Belts help to hold your dress together and to look smart. Belts are worn on a very sensitive position of the body bordering on the navel, which is linked with the foundation or root of a man's life. Truth is very crucial to the soldier of the Cross. Truth helps to hold everything else in your body-family, ministry and work together. If truth is missing, everything else will be in shambles. Whatever happens, stick with the truth. Nothing can be done against the truth but for the truth (2 Corinthians 13:8). In addition, you must live a righteous life. That is the breastplate which secures your heart. Any soldier of Jesus who lives in sin must expect to be defeated. Besides these, you must wear the Gospel boots by evangelizing regularly. This protects your feet, helps you to tread on your enemies and to go through bad terrains. Are you wearing the right gear?

Action Point : According to Psalm 33:4, everything God does is in truth. Ask that from today, whatever you do will be in truth.


Memorise: Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26

Read: Romans 8:26-27
Bible in one year: Romans 1-4

One of the reasons why you must draw very close to the Holy Spirit is that after you are born-again, He is the one who gives you feedback from Heaven that your name has been written in the Lamb's Book of life as enunciated in Romans 8:16:
"The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God."
And when the devil brings doubts concerning your spiritual status, it is the Holy Spirit that reassures you that you are still saved. If not for Him, most of us would have lost our salvation and gone back to the world. What of your sanctification? Romans 15:16 and 2 Thessalonians 2:13 say we are sanctified through the Holy Spirit. Also 1 Peter 1:5 says,
"Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."
After you are saved, it is the Holy Spirit who keeps you saved. You cannot overcome sin except by the power of the Holy Spirit. At the period you were saved, many others were equally saved, but today, they are no more in the faith. Who kept you in the faith of Jesus Christ? It is the Holy Spirit.
Furthermore, He is the One who helps you deal with the flesh. Romans 8:13 says,
"For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live."
If you are struggling with your flesh, move closer to the Holy Spirit, confess your weakness to Him and ask for His help. In addition to these, one veritable weapon of the believer which must be constantly engaged is prayer. Several scriptures command us to pray always but many of us find prayer a boring activity. Many of us sleep through prayers. The eyes would be wide awake while watching movies or home videos, but immediately you stop to pray, you will start dozing. By the time prayer is over, your eyes will be wide awake, ready to continue watching the television for another one or two hours. This is why you need the help of the Spirit. When you are baptised in the Holy Spirit, He gives you a language through which you can pray. Prayer becomes easy when you pray in the Spirit. Romans 8:26-27 says the Spirit helps us to intercede. In 1981, my friend and I once prayed for 36 hours and we thought we had arrived until I ran into a book where I read of somebody who prayed for 30 days and nights nonstop, then I realised I have not even started. How we need the Spirit today!

Prayer point: Holy Spirit:, thank You for helping me to pray in times past. More than ever before, please help me to pray in line with God's will for every situation from today.


Memorise: And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; Luke 22:29

Read: Luke 22:28-29
Bible in one year: Isaiah 37-39

When we look at the offer of Ahasuerus of up to half of his kingdom to his queen, we marvel at his generosity (Esther 5:1-3). He was so pleased with her that he was prepared to share his kingdom with her. That is very magnanimous! Do you know that Jesus Christ has also offered to share His Kingdom with His favourites - His bride? Romans 8:17 says,
"And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint -heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together"
The fact that you have become a child of God makes you a joint-heir with Christ and therefore a co-owner of all that He has. Beloved, no matter how impoverished it seems you are, always remember that you are a co-owner of everything that Jesus has. You surely are extremely rich!
In Matthew 19:28, when Peter asked Jesus what will be their gain for leaving everything to follow Him, the Lord replied that they will sit on 12 thrones and have a share in His Kingdom. In Revelation 3:21, the Lord says,
"To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne."
The import of this promise is simply breathtaking! Jesus Christ overcame and so God the Father made Him to sit with Him and co-rule from His throne. And now He says for all who will overcome like He did, they will share His throne with Him! Praise God! If you can deny yourself, make Jesus happy and exercise your victory over sin, Satan and the world, one day, you shall see yourself sitting on the same throne with the Lord Jesus, reigning with Him. Beloved, you must do everything in your power and beyond your power not to miss this opportunity. Unlike the offer of Ahasuerus and King Herod, which if effected will be in effect as long as they lived; the promise of Christ to His followers is for eternity! Today, some people have opportunities to serve under earthly kings but they turn down such offers because they do not want to soil their hands or tarnish their image. The kingdom that everyone who is politically inclined should aspire to be a part of is Christ's eternal Kingdom. If you can be so favoured to co-reign with Christ, you will be eternally relevant. Don't miss this opportunity for anything!

Key point: The poorest believer in Christ is richer than the richest man on earth.


Memorise: Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God' Psalm 3:2

Read: Psalm 3:1-2
Bible in one year: Isaiah 34-36

Gain is good but unjust gain is evil. Proverbs 1:19 says what the greedy fellow calls gain is exactly what will take his life. Never take what belongs to another! Greed has wrecked many ministries, leaders and families. That benefit you think you are deriving from your evil act of denying others what is rightfully theirs will snuff life out of you. Have you unjustly cut down the benefits of your subordinates because you believe they are at the receiving end? Return it today or face the unpleasant consequences. If you want to live long and have peace in the home, steer clear of greed!
Moreover to prolong your days, besides avoiding cheating other people; you must love God with the totality of your being. Luke 10:27 says,
'And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself." Your love for God must be total.' When your love for God is total, you will find it almost impossible to do anything contrary to what He likes. Do you love God? What is the degree of love you have for Him? This love will also make you obey His voice. When you obey the One who is your life (Colossians 3:4), you can be rest assured that He will lengthen your days. In addition, Deuteronomy 30:20 connotes you must cleave to Him like a leech. If you see someone who is attached to God, you will know. His God-consciousness will thrill you. He knows God is always with Him so he is very selective of the places he goes, what he does and what he refuses to do. God's work and Word are given top priority in his life.
According to 1 Kings3:14, for God to lengthen your days, you must walk in His ways by copying the righteous character and deeds of our Lord Jesus Christ. You must also keep His commandments - complying with all His dos and avoiding all His don'ts. Is there anything God asked you to do which is yet undone? You must never forget any of His laws but keep them in your heart according to Proverbs 3:1-2. Surround yourself with the scriptures. Besides these, as indicated in Psalm 21:4, don't forget to ask for length of days to enable you serve Him and His people longer. Don't be like Hezekiah who used his extension period to create trouble for his family. Above all, ask for wisdom so that you can achieve God's plan for your life.

Action point: Check through the Bible and list out 10 things you can do to enjoy the long life God has promised you. Simply obey them.


Memorise: Surely, the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7
Read: 1 Corinthians 12:10-12
Bible in one year: Isaiah 31-33

Another part of the revelational gifts is the gift prophecy. Without any doubt, God knows everything about everyone He has created, and he knows the end of a thing right from the beginning. Act 15:18 says,
"Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world."
You are one of the works of God's hands and He knows exactly how you will end ever before He created you. May you end well in Jesus name. Revelation 1:8 says God is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending. The gift of prophecy is therefore said to be in operation when God tells His servant things that will happen ahead of time. This involves having a pre-knowledge of events - which is just a bit of God's inexhaustible sea of knowledge. God likes to give away such information, only that He has too few friends He can give them to. Amos 3:7 says,
"Surely, the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."
It is sometimes good to know ahead of time about events, the plans of God concerning them and that of the enemies. This will help you respond to them appropriately - either to prepare for their arrival if they are good, or to counter them and possibly prevent their occurrence if they are negative. On the other hand, knowing everything before hand may elicit negative responses such as sadness, depression, etc., especially if it is a negative event that cannot be reversed. But generally, if you know of crucial, destiny-evoking events before hand, it will give you the opportunity to change them if they are unpleasant. For instance, on the 31st of December of a recent year, I told the church some things that God said would happen. He said there would be civil unrest and civil war. Within one week of the release of that information, we began to see its fulfillment in places like Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, etc. If not for the prayers of the saints in and outside Nigeria for Nigeria, going by Satan's plan for Nigeria, we will not be able to gather together as we did that same year. Every negative prophecy against your life shall not stand in Jesus name. Ask God for grace to be trusted by God to the point of sharing His secrets with you before they manifest. On your part, if you can obey God, love Him, worship Him and be discreet with divine information, He will begin to tell you things before their time.

Action point: There are people God must inform of future events before they happen. Ask God to make you one of them promising to pay the price.

Friday, 5 April 2013


Memorise: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. 1 Corinthians 9:27

Read: Psalm 79:9-10
Bible in one year: Isaiah 28-30

When Samson lost his savour, he was thrown into darkness and became a slave of the people he once terrorised. Have you been casting out devils and setting the captives free? Then you must never lose your worth or else, the same demons you dealt with will be waiting to have their pound of flesh. If you must know something about the devil, it is that he has no love and so he cannot forgive. The best way to overcome his attacks and reprisal attacks is to remain a champion on the side of Jesus Christ. It is very important you maintain your position. Take a cue from football: When the Nigerian national football team the Green Eagles were victorious over their opponents, they were renamed as the Golden Eagles and their praise was on the lips of virtually everyone. But when they eventually lost out, instead of a heroic arrival, nobody knew when they entered Nigeria.
Whenever you are tempted, be it in the secret or in the open, always remember that you are a champion, and that it is very distasteful to be an ex-champion. In Hebrews 11:25, we learn that at best you can enjoy the pleasure of sin only for a moment, yet the shame that follows can be beyond your lifetime. Besides the shame, what of the ridicule of being called an ex-champion? Do you know that ex-champions face the exact opposite of what they went through while still champions? How? While still the reigning champions, many of them try to avoid going through public places because of their popularity. There are even those who disguise themselves before appearing in public as people will not allow them to be themselves. That is on the positive side. On the other side, if such a champion is defeated and becomes an ex-champion, to avoid being ridiculed, he will also begin to hide from the public. One question ex-champions are asked is: Where is now your God? In Psalm 79:9-10, David told God never to allow the world ask him this question. In other words, he was saying he did not want to be an ex-champion. If you prayed in the past and sicknesses and demons took their leave, but now you say the same prayer and sicknesses and demons refuse to leave, ask yourself what has gone wrong: where is the presence of the Spirit in your life? Do everything possible to remain the champion that you are!

Prayer point: Father; You said I shall be the head only, let me never be an ex-champion in Jesus name.

Thursday, 4 April 2013


Memorise: Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. Psalm 92:13

Read: Psalm 92:12-15
Bible in one year: Isaiah 25-27

True freedom is desired by all but experienced only by a few. For you to be free, you must follow a particular path. You must be ready to continue in the words of Christ John 8:31-32). To continue means to stay with, dwell on, or to abide with the words of Jesus. This is why Psalm 91:1 says,
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty"

This means, as long as you remain in God's presence, you are free and protected. Watch it! The devil will try several ways of drawing you out of God's presence so that he can get you into bondage. Psalm 23:6 says as long as you dwell in God's house, you will continue to experience God's goodness and mercies, while Psalm 92:13 says that what guarantees your prospering to the level of flourishing is your ability to remain planted - firmly established in God's house.

There are many people who are visitors or guests in God's house. They probably think they are doing someone a favour by attending church. They go to church to make somebody happy. Some go to church only when they are in need of spiritual, material or financial assistance. But whenever somebody in that church offends them, they will want to get even - by not going to that church again. Some others go to church just to socialise - to make friends. If their friend leaves the church, off they go! Some attend church just as cover up: they may be into something evil but believe that if they attend church, their evil deeds may not be discovered. Why are you in church? Some people do not mind being in church for donkey years as an ordinary member but when it comes to being committed, they will take their leave. Those that will partake of God's enduring blessings, protection and freedom are those who are permanent residents in God's house. They are so planted there that no excuse can make them leave. Their lives revolve around God, God's house and Kingdom. They have made their greatest commitment to God; their allegiance is to the King of kings. His interest is their interest, His likes their likes. What He hates they hate. Nothing so attractive can draw them out of God's presence. No wonder God does not withhold any blessing from them. What is your level of devotion to God? Let your allegiance be total from today!

Key point: You can identify those who are planted by God in a church by how much their lives positively affect members, God's work and the Kingdom.


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Take The Word Medicine Everyday!!

I've seen some people who religiously take the drugs prescribed by the doctor as if their lives depends on it..(their lives depend on it, 'cos that's all they know)
If only we can pursue the things of God with such gusto!  It's okay to visit the doctor and take your drugs as directed after all it was God that gave man the science knowledge for it.  Question: What if you encounter a sickness or disease that the doctor can't cure? Then, whatchu gonna do? However, there's a way.  The way is in the Word of God and in your mouth!  Just like you take your medicine religiously everyday, you can take the Word Medicine as well and encounter not just divine healing, but divine health. God's Word is living and active! Hebrews 4:12.

Proverbs 4:20-22, "My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh." Would you pay attention to God's Word? Will you open your mouth and say what God says about you in His Word? How about telling that sickness to die and pass out of your body in the Name of Jesus because by His stripes you were healed!  How about declaring that you are in divine health everyday you wake up or whenever thoughts of sickness come into mind?

Romans 10:8-9, "But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
I would to God that people take God's Word seriously and do as the Word says..hence Isaiah 53:1 says, "Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?"  Get a hold on God's Word and don't give up! Keep saying it, until the result becomes evident in your life. Say the Word like your life depends on it, 'cos your life sure depends on it. Remember, Hebrews 10:23 NCV, "Let us hold firmly to the hope that we have confessed, because we can trust God to do what he promised." 

God bless you.


Memorise: And these signs shall follow them that believeth; In my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongue; Mark 16:17

Read: Mark 16:15-18
Bible in one year: Isaiah 22-24

If you will succeed as a soldier in God's army, you must know how to relate with the devil and his cohorts. We are commanded to steadfastly resist the devil. This is a true statement, but according to 1 Peter 5:8, before doing so, we must be sober and vigilant. Being sober has everything to do with having coordinated, solemn thoughts. A drunk for instance, is not a sober minded fellow. You must be able to think seriously and be in your right mind. This means that those who are under the influence of alcohol once in a while will find it difficult to resist the devil . If you are a very emotional fellow, you will find it challenging to resist the devil. You need to be thinking right to be able to overcome the devil. Similarly, to be vigilant is to be alert, watchful, looking out for possible danger, trouble or attack. In other words, a vigilant fellow is proactive: he preempts the attack of the enemy and moves ahead to forestall them. If you are always on the defensive, you would have been taken in one of Satan's traps before realizing it. Be on your guard always!

As a soldier of the cross, God expects you to dislodge agents of darkness, even before they get at you. Some believers brand themselves deliverance ministers whereas deliverance is part of what every Christian is called to do. According to Mark 16:15-18, you do not need to be a minister to cast out devils; from the day you receive Jesus Christ, if you have acquired knowledge about your new position in Christ, you can easily cast out demons. Casting out demons is deliverance. When last did you command demons out of a given individual or situation? God has empowered you at salvation and much more at Holy Spirit baptism. He now expects you to locate those who need deliverance so that you can deliver them. Take the battle to the gates of the enemy, break it down and liberate the captives. You should be a terror to the kingdom of darkness. They should fear you or quake whenever they hear of you. How is it with you today? What are you using the power of the Holy Spirit to do? How many souls have you won? The greatest deliverance an individual can have is deliverance from sin. How many sick people have you channelled the healing anointing to? Are you proactive or reactive? It shall be well with you.

Key point: Jesus and His disciples casted out devils. If you are like them, you too will cast out devils. How many devils have you casted out since  you believed?


Memorise: Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough way shall be made smooth:
Luke 3:5

Read: Genesis 1:1-3
Bible In one year: Isaiah 19-21

 God is a perfect God and does not allow for a vacuum in man. In Luke 3:5, we are told that every valley shall be filled. God created us as His dwelling place. Every space inside you that is not given to God shall be taken over by something else, because there is no room for a vacuum. If you do not fill your mind with God's Word, it will be filled with other things like worldly knowledge, the advice of men, suggestions of demons and perhaps dirty thoughts The tithe you fail to pay to God will definitely be paid to devourers - sicknesses, fraudsters, loss, etc. A sister once shared her experience. She was taught in a church to pay her tithes but she did not like to. She felt that considering her meagre salary, tithing would be a big loss to her. To prevent being disturbed, she stopped attending the church. In the meantime, there was a micro finance bank very close to where she was working. There she saved her salary regularly until one day, somebody asked her to check them out. By the time she did, the bank had gone under and she met lots of people outside with some armed policemen. All her savings together with the promised interest had gone with the wind! Those who think they are smart by avoiding tithes will later realise how foolish they were. Decide who to pay tithe to - God or devourers.
Everyone is born into ignorance but as you grow up and acquire knowledge, ignorance is gradually displaced by knowledge. Similarly, when you were born, you were born into sin. But after you knew the Lord by accepting Him into your heart as Lord and personal saviour and began to study the Bible and receive Bible teachings, your old nature will begin to give way to the divine nature. The more you yield to God, obey Him and please Him, the less Satan will be able to have access to you. It is your duty to ensure you are filled with the right substance. God is perfect in all His ways and so He does not permit superfluity. This means that, if a person can do a particular task, God will not assign the task to two people. That is a waste because if the two of them are doing what one person can do, efficiency will be compromised, while an aspect of the general Kingdom assignment somewhere else will be suffering. This should guide us as we build departments; do not over-staff one department where many become redundant, while other departments are under-staffed thereby exposing them to so much pressure. Ask God for wisdom to manage your resources.

Key point: Whenever there is a vacuum in your life, the Holy Spirit wants to fill it up.


Memorise: And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight:1 John 3:22

Read: 1John 3:22-23
Bible in one year: Isaiah 16-18

One lesson from Esther 5:1-3 is that there are certain conditions to fulfil before entering the presence of a powerful king, of which if one does not meet the requirements, one could lose one's life. Thank God that Jesus Christ has given us access to God by His blood shed on the Cross. The fact that the king offered Esther even up to half of his Kingdom is another point to learn from. It shows that giving can be influenced. Considering the circumstances under which the offer was made, it is glaring that he was very pleased with his queen. In other words, the best time to ask for something is when the person to be asked is very pleased with you. At such a time, the giver can get to the peak of his or her generosity. Herod was another case in point. When Herodias wanted to make a request she knew he would not easily grant, she planned for his daughter to dance in such an amazing way as to get the standing ovation of all the lords and special guests of the king, thereby making the king very proud. At that point, he reached the height of his generosity and told his daughter to ask of anything, even up to half of his kingdom. She met her mother and she was told to ask for the head of John the Baptist. He painfully had to yield (Mark 6:17-28).

Just like Ahasuerus and King Herod, everyone can be worked to a height of generosity. If you want to get something from somebody, you would need to first determine the atmosphere under which you would request for it. When some sisters ask their husbands for certain favours, they get different results depending on the atmosphere they have created. There is an atmosphere that will turn down your request: that is if you ask when the giver is displeased, sad or sorrowful. There is an atmosphere that will deliver you a little; another atmosphere will give you much, while a conducive atmosphere will get you almost anything. However, you are the one to create or influence the atmosphere you want, depending on what you want. We can also use this knowledge to interact with God. If you can make God very happy with you, and prove to Him that you are His obedient child, ready to obey every command He gives, there is nothing God cannot give to you. What legitimate and godly steps are you taking to create a favourable atmosphere for your request with both God and man? Do you consider if the time is appropriate before making your request?

Key point: The wise studies the atmosphere before making a request. The foolish however asks without considering the atmosphere.


Memorise: He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he that hateth gifts shall live. Proverbs 15:27

Proverbs 15:26-27
Bible In one year: Mark 11-13

Deuteronomy 25:16 says if you want to live long in your God-given land, do not cheat others. In other words, cheating others is directly related to untimely deaths. Do not falsify your measuring tools. Every act of deceit takes something off your life. Some water bottling companies when processing their permit, satisfy all the standards prescribed by the regulatory authority. But on getting what they want, they begin to compromise laid down standards. They cut corners, refuse to use certain chemicals meant for water purification and still sell their products at the normal price. They end up giving people acidic water disguised as wholly processed water. This is evil! What you think you are saving or gaining from reducing one or more of the materials you should have used, will definitely work against you. What you are gaining financially you are losing health wise. Put an end to such rip off, restitute and follow all the stages of water purification. This also applies to all other businesses.
People cheat others out of greed. Greed is a terrible destroyer! Proverbs 15:27 says,

He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he that hateth gifts shall live.''
Apart from reducing the lifespan of the cheat, greed brings trouble into the family of the cheat. Greed opens the door to devourers. Some employers of labour do everything possible to cheat on their workers. They will owe them salaries for months telling them that there is no money, while they have money from the same business to take care of their personal needs and even extravagance. Some will come up with flimsy reasons to continue to reduce worker's wages or salaries. Even in Christendom greed is rife. If somebody is spending time and effort in serving you, you must give the fellow what is commensurate or else, you will be undoing yourself. Moreover, another aspect of cheating which is also borne out of greed is truce breaking. When two or more people enter into a business agreement, be it written or verbal, the profit must be shared as earlier agreed. If you take a kobo, cent or penny beyond your agreement, you will pay dearly for it. You cannot escape God's judgement no matter your garb of spirituality or position. Some people have closed the doors God opened to them out of greed. Some have deadly diseases especially believers because they cheated fellow believers. Repent, return what you stole from that partner and ask the fellow to pray for you and you will be healed.

Key point: If the greedy knows the long term effect of his greedy action, he would have done everything possible to avoid it.


Memorise: And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 2Corinthians 6:15

Read: Acts 16:16-18
Bible in one year: Mark 7-10

In the Body of Christ today, there is so much of spiritual prostitution and pollution taking place. Lazy pastors and ministers who want to either attract a crowd or perform miracles but cannot pay Heaven's price, eventually condescend to accepting hell's cheaper but more devastating alternative. Not all that glitters is gold. There is so much of fake gold around hence we should be very careful. The Heaven-bound believer will not major on miracles but on the Word of God. Sometimes, the difference between counterfeit spirit and the original Spirit of God is so slim that it will take the one with the gift of discerning of spirits to know which is which. May the Lord open your eyes to see the spirit behind the scenes in Jesus name.

In Acts 16:16-18, Paul and Silas were going about their Kingdom assignment, but unknown to them, their Public Relations Officer was an agent of darkness. Ordinarily, they thought the lady was doing very well in introducing the men of God to the people, but unknown to them, it was the spirit of divination that was in operation. It took them a while before they could arrive at the truth and cast out the spirit. One lesson here is that Satan seeks to partner with genuine men and women of God. When the Kingdom of Satan is being threatened by your commitment to God's Kingdom, they will offer you a truce - some kind of subtle partnership. They may send their agent who will claim to be a leader of a church organisation or an association of church organisations, who would tell you that they have watched you with keen interest over the years, and want to assist you in any way possible, but you will have to step down on your message of holiness. If you accept their offer, you may still think you are working for God: in fact, you may have all the money to erect gigantic structures and improve on externals, but you will be serving a new master as your message would have been edited. In like manner, from time to time, some so called prophets or prophetesses will go to a living church and want to use their gifts to manipulate the entire church and bring it under their control. This is why you have to pray for your leaders never to fall prey to these imposters. As a pastor, you should not just allow anybody called man of God or woman of God to mount your pulpit. Use only those who are tried and tested, who are still living with clean records.

Prayer point: Pray that God will deliver genuine servants of God from falling prey to the deception of agents of darkness.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Memorise : Judges 16 vs 21 - But the phillistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house.

Read : Judges 16 vs 20-21
Bible in one year : Mark 4-6

To remain a champion, there are certain activities that must be sustained, failing which the champion will lose his position.You shall not be dethroned in Jesus name.Activities such as prayers, fasting, self denial and regular study of God's word do not respect educational level, wealth, status or marital status.In other words, if you were very prayerful during your secondary school days, but now believe that since you have bagged your doctorate degree, you do not need to pray as much again, dont be surprised if you end up in the teeth of lions. If you were poor but prayerful, now that you are rich, you should pray more not less. If you could pray and fast while still young, now that you are older do not diminish in your prayer and fasting so that what the enemy could not do to you when you were young, he would still be unable to do it to you now that you are old.This is why Mark 13:13 says only those who endure to the end will be saved. Your sacrifices and efforts must continue until you reach the finishing line.
Phillipians 3:12-14 says your past must not come between you and your future.if you think the cost of remaining a champion is too much, then you can consider the alternative - being an ex-champion. It is better to pay the price to remain a champion than to face the horrors of being an ex-champion.After samson was dethroned Judges 16:21 says
"But the phillistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house."
It is horrible to be an ex-champion, It is better never to have been a champion than to be an ex-champion. Samson lost God's presence, his sight and freedom. An international champion became a local prisoner, a laughing stock to those he once terrorised. Do everything possible to refuse compromise, as the goal of that seemingly harmless temptation is to make you an ex-champion. just one sin is all the camp of the enemies require to shut you up permanently. There are many ex-champions around us today who are savouring the shame and losses of their new status. Are you an ex-champion? come back to God in repentance, restitution and humility. Make 100 percent obedience your watchword henceforth. If you are sincere and steadfast, it is possible that God may reconsider using you again.

PRAYER POINT : Thank God for your nation, Pray that God's plan and purpose will be done and that God will uproot every hinderance on your path.